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True Pore Technology
Innovative technology for aeration of construction materials
for insulation purposes and
reduction of your carbon dioxide footprint

Fire Safety Vaults

As a non-combustible building material based on a special foam mortar USLPoreĀ® is used as a filling material for safes.

  • Fireproofed (totally inorganic)
  • Low Weight
  • Void filling ability
  • Economic filling material

USLPore® is used as an infill for safety vaults specifically due to its fireproofed ability. USLPore® is a completely inorganic construction material and therefore not combustible. Furthermore the light weight is leading to a most suitable product for this application where low weight is always key.

USLPore® foam concrete for fire safety vaults can be produced at different densities. The density below is representing the average applied density of our customers for the respective application.
A higher density is resulting in a higher compressive strength but lower insulating effect.
A lower density is resulting in a lower compressive strength but better insulating effect.
All USLPore® products are fully non-combustible.

  metric imperial
entity value entity value
density [kg/m³] 200-400 [pcf] 12.5-25
thermal [W/mK] 0.06 - 0.10 [R-value per in] 1.5-2.4
compression [MPa] 0.35-1.3 [PSI] 51-187
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