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True Pore Technology
Innovative technology for aeration of construction materials
for insulation purposes and
reduction of your carbon dioxide footprint

USLPore Mobile Plant 500

USLPore® Mobile Plant 500 is a wordwide unique at site production plant that generates a specific foam concrete, cellular lightweight concrete with USLPore® foaming agents and other additives.

  • At site production, reduced transportation costs
  • Continous output of USLPore®
  • Consistant and stable output
  • Production of low densities of only 100 kg/m³
  • 30 to 50 cubic meters of USLPore® foam concrete per hour
  • 2023 generation of worldwide unique foaming system
  • Integrated storing and dosing systems for raw materials and additives

The USLPore® Mobile Plant 500 is a fully automated truck / trailer based plant for large scale production of USLPore®. It includes the whole dosing and mixing of dry raw materials, water as well as the USLPore® additives. The end product quality therefore is fully constant, reproducible and fullfill international quality standards.

The output of USLPore® as a specific foam concrete is continous. The USLPore® Mobile Plant 500 is equipped also with raw material stockage systems for cement and filler as well as water and additive storing and dosing systems for a very high autonomy. For larger projects separate horizontal silos to increase the raw material stocking quantity can be easily adapted.

The USLPore® Mobile Plant 500 is based on the latest 2023 generation of worldwide unique foaming systems. A specific and unique engineering is resulting in cobination with USLPore foaming agents into very stable foam conrete, cellularlightweight concrete, resistant to shear and pumping pressure. 

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