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True Pore Technology
Innovative technology for aeration of construction materials
for insulation purposes and
reduction of your carbon dioxide footprint

Insulation Board

USLPore® is applied as an insulation board to subtitute expanded polystere boards as well a mineral wool within an external thermal insulation composite system.

  • Thermal conductivity: 0.040 [W/mK]
  • Worldwide unique low density 90-120 [kg/m³]
  • Fireproofed (totally inorganic)
  • Fully recyclable (ordinary construction waste)
  • High steam diffusion (no mold / mildew)

USLPore® is used as an aerated lightweight concrete board for insulation purposes. It fulfills all requirements for a modern insulation material.
Environmentally-friendly manufactured it is an ideal solution to substitute organic insulation materials such as expanded polystyrene (EPS) and polyurethane (PU) or inorganic ones such as mineral wool.

USLPore® foam concrete as an insulating board can be produced at different densities. The density below is representing the average applied density of our customers for the respective application.
A higher density is resulting in a higher compressive strength but lower insulating effect.
A lower density is resulting in a lower compressive strength but better insulating effect.
All USLPore® products are fully non-combustible.

  metric imperial
entity value entity value
dimension [mm] 600x400x100
any other possible
[in] 24x16x4
any other possible
density [kg/m³] 100-125 [pcf] 6.2-7.8
thermal [W/mK] 0.038 - 0.045 [R-value per in] 3.1-3.8
compression [KPa] 250-350 [PSI] 36-51
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