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True Pore Technology
Innovative technology for aeration of construction materials
for insulation purposes and
reduction of your carbon dioxide footprint


USLPore® NWF S is enhancing the quality of foam concrete or cellular lightweight concrete in many ways.

  • Strength increasing agent
  • Stability increasing agent
  • Fine pore structure
  • Better insulation value
  • For separate or joint use with USLPore® foaming agents

USLPore® NWF S is leading to a very fine porous structure as it is stabilizing the foam bubble´s membrane as well as increasing the compressive strength by 35-60%. Its majorly applicable for densities of 200 kg/m³ and higher. USLPore® NWF S can be used seprately in the cementitious slurry or in combination with foam made by USLPore® foaming agents.

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