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True Pore Technology
Innovative technology for aeration of construction materials
for insulation purposes and
reduction of your carbon dioxide footprint


USLPore MRF 2000

USLPore MRF 2000 is an optional additive to be added in the cementious slurry of foamed concrete, cellularlightweight concrete to enhance the quality.

  • Stabilizing Foam Concrete
  • Reduction of shrinkage
  • Increase in bending tensile strength

USLPore® AC S 100 is a must wherever the binder alone is no longer sufficient to achieve an adequate setting time. 

  • Acceleration of hydration process 
  • Reduction of setting time

USLPore AC S 100

USLPore AC S 100

USLPore® AC S 100 is a must wherever the binder alone is no longer sufficient to achieve an adequate setting time. 

  • Acceleration of hydration process 
  • Reduction of setting time

USLPore HP SP 100

USLPore® HP SP 100  is an optional additive to be added in the cementious slurry of foamed concrete, cellularlightweight concrete to reduce the water absorption.

  • Water repellent effect
  • Reduction in water absorption by up to 90%

USLPore® RF GF 9000 is an optional additive to be added in the cementious slurry of foamed concrete, cellularlightweight concrete to reduce shrinkage and avoid cracks. 

  • Reduction of shrinkage
  • Reduction of cracks 
  • Increasing compressive strength
  • Increasing tensile strengh


USLPore RF GF 9000

USLPore RF GF 9000

USLPore® RF GF 9000 is an optional additive to be added in the cementious slurry of foamed concrete, cellularlightweight concrete to reduce shrinkage and avoid cracks. 

  • Reduction of shrinkage
  • Reduction of cracks 
  • Increasing compressive strength
  • Increasing tensile strengh


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