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True Pore Technology
Innovative technology for aeration of construction materials
for insulation purposes and
reduction of your carbon dioxide footprint

USLPore FA SL 200

USLPore® FA SL 200 is a foaming agent to produce USLPore® specific foam concrete, cellular lightweight concrete. As a compound USLPore® FA SL 200 is way ahead of common synthetic or protein based foaming agents in regards to stability.

  • Worldwide unique stability due to specific manufacturing process
  • High resistance against pumping pressure
  • Very fine pore structure of foam concrete
  • Contains strength increasing components (compound product)
  • Higher quality compared to common protein or synthetic foaming agents


Years of reasearch and consequent improvement have led finally to thousands of sold metric tons all over the world. USLPore® FA SL 200 is characterized through a strong stability and contains strength increasing components for the related end product. It is therefore not only a pure foaming agent but more over a compound. The slightly liquifying effect is predistining this additive next to block and panel production also for flooring and roofing applications. 

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